Technoir - The Dreamer testo lyric


There’s life all around me
You’re one in a million
How did you find me?
You look so familiar...

My static condition, in a world in constant motion
Say whatever you need to say!

I blame you! Cause I need you!
I blame you! (I don’t lie)
Cause I need you! (Dreamer)

I lose my sanity
Yet here you are, my lover
It’s hard, to see what’s real
Ohh you are, such a dreamer

My static condition, in a world in constant motion
My static condition, in a world in constant motion
Say whatever you need to say

I blame you! (I don’t lie)
Cause I need you! (Dreamer)
I blame you! (I don’t lie)
Cause I need you! (Dreamer)


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Dreamer di Technoir:


La canzone The Dreamer si trova nell'album Never Trust the Algorithm uscito nel 2020 per Kengah Records.

Copertina dell'album Never Trust the Algorithm, di Technoir

L'articolo Technoir - The Dreamer testo lyric di Technoir è apparso su il 2023-06-09 14:09:06


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