The Doormen - The Control Button testo lyric


a private sun, for some cloudy days
two private clouds, for some sunny days

i want a button for the total control
i dream my button for the feelings control

a private cab, for boring days
full credit cards, for some cheap days

a supply of sadness, when I'm so happy
a supply of happiness, when I'm so sad

i want a button for the total control
i dream my button for the feelings control

please push my button !!!
push my button !!!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Control Button di The Doormen:


La canzone The Control Button si trova nell'album Plastic Breakfast uscito nel 2018 per Goodfellas, MiaCameretta Records.

Copertina dell'album Plastic Breakfast, di The Doormen

L'articolo The Doormen - The Control Button testo lyric di The Doormen è apparso su il 2023-07-27 18:09:11


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