Thing Mote - Stillness testo lyric


The people want something from you
Your eyes are wide open starring the void
Reality shakes you while you are at home
Apathetic to life
Finally comes the night

Breath slows down
Eyes would close
Fog covers everything how do you feel
Time is still

Humanity is a fake planning
Be more productive and buy many things
Your hands are so ready your mind is too clear
Tight smile on your lips
Take on all the tips

Growth slows down
Firms would close
Leafs cover everything how do you feel
Time is still
Perhaps the people shows
The things you're hiding from
Stillness in the time
Stillness in the mind

Perhaps the nature falls
But you still need a job
Stillness on the trees
Stillness in the fees

But please don't take your stillness too much seriously
So shake my hand proudly like the first time we met
But please come down that tie is too tight-fitting
So get your feet on the ground - and grab my hand...

Like the first time we met
Like the first time we met

And please don't be so still
And please don't be so still


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Stillness di Thing Mote:


Essere un ingranaggio del ciclo produzione-consumo ha dei costi per l’individuo, ma spesso tendono ad essere invisibili. Se la staticità, come può essere la disoccupazione, non attivando il ciclo, è un valore negativo e rigettato dalla società in cui viviamo allora può portarci ad una apatia che può sfociare nella staticità definitiva (morte).


Voce Principale: Tommaso Zanardi
Seconda voce: Giuliano Fasoli
Testo: Giuliano Fasoli


La canzone Stillness si trova nell'album Robokiller uscito nel 2020 per Cabezon Records, Artist First.

Copertina dell'album Robokiller, di Thing Mote

L'articolo Thing Mote - Stillness testo lyric di Thing Mote è apparso su il 2020-05-02 18:10:37


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