ultravox - Western Promise testo lyric



Oh mystical East, on old postcards,
Your childhood dreams and energies.
Your temples' gardens, old world charm,
An ancient culture, torn and scarred.

This is my Western promise.

Oh mystical East, you've lost your way,
Your rising sun shall rise again.
My Western world gives out her hand,
A victor's help to your fallen land.

This is my Western promise.


Mystical East, all taxi-cabs,
All ultra-neon, sign of the times.
Your Buddha Zen and Christian man,
All minions to messiah Pepsi can.

This is my Western promise.


La canzone Western Promise si trova nell'album Vienna uscito nel 1990.

Copertina dell'album Vienna, di ultravox

L'articolo ultravox - Western Promise testo lyric di ultravox è apparso su Rockit.it il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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