Valeriano Gaibazzi - Hallelujah testo lyric


(Leonard Cohen Lyrics : Verse 1 and 2)

I heard there was a secret chord
That david played and it pleased the lord
But you don't really care for music, do you
Well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing

, , , ....

Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to her kitchen chair
She broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the ...

(Valeriano Gaibazzi Lyrics : Verse 3 and 4)

I know there is a time for love
and then sometimes you'll be alone
but you don't care about the others, do Ya?
And when someone will take your hand
you'll slap it back, you won't feel the pain
you paint your world by singing Allelujah

I saw you there behind your veils
i heard your voice and i read your face
and all the broken hearts are nothing for Ya?
The times are toughs and there'll be no laughs
there'll be no room for your talking rough
and you won't get away with Allelujah...


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Hallelujah di Valeriano Gaibazzi:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: *principale* (di @ con 19 brani)


Valeriano Gaibazzi/Leonard Cohen

VIDEO Hallelujah

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La canzone Hallelujah si trova nell'album In The End Of The Night uscito nel 2011.

Copertina dell'album In The End Of The Night, di Valeriano Gaibazzi

L'articolo Valeriano Gaibazzi - Hallelujah testo lyric di Valeriano Gaibazzi è apparso su il 2016-03-09 09:49:46


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