Biografia Volumicriminali

The VOLUMIcriminali is a band formed from the ashes of some punk/hardcore, grunge, metal and crossover bands.
At first, the patterns of music, even if show some degree of experimentation due to different influences, are centered on an aggressive and a granite old school hardcore that is realized, after only three months, in the first demo.
This training has already seen Francesco Ratti, named "Pogo", on vocals and Renato Campanini, named "ReNNa", on electric guitar.
The band's style soon evolved into a powerful and contaminated crossover and the texts, almost all written in italian, are abrasive and "politically incorrect".
Among these pieces, the VOLUMIcriminali records, "Prodigo", a song that intends to be part of an italian compilation (Four Dogs Records).
From here the VOLUMIcriminali shoves a series of concerts on local stages (Qaalude, Fitzcarraldo, Tribe, Milk) gaining a lot of supporters, “making their bones" in several competitions (Versus, Emergenza, Piceno on the Rock, ESP) and evolving the sound in a powerful crossover.
Their texts, initially very aggressive, become more reflective and intimate as the mood of the rising band.
After few line up’s changes, the group begins to exit the local context and played in Naples Live'n'Peace, headlining the festival. Here it enjoys great success and interest from the public and together from the press, getting positive reviews on "Mattino" of Naples.
Now the band is a kind of a cross between hard and a post emo-core, mixed with crossover idea and nu-metal influences. The study and an original research create a new sound of the group that cannot be easily inserted within a specific genre.
From this point on, VOLUMIcriminali relates to a sound more contaminated, the songs become more complex and articulated; abandoning the punk influences and with the entrance to the battery of Luciano, named "CAM" Zambito (Broken Hollow, Renegades of Funk), fast rhythms make space to a crossover of hardcore and powerful clean.
The new sound, the musical growth of the individual elements and the professional maturity of the band lead it in choosing to increase the line-up with a second voice near to Pogo. It draws alongside the new melodic ideas. Emanuele Pecollo, named "Shuster", who comes from the historic band stoner/grunge "2Novembre" (Elevator Records), plays this role beautifully and the band investments again to some Festival (“Festival delle Periferie”, “Santo Rock”, “Festa de L’Unità”), togheter with different performances in important locals.
With the new line, VOLUMIcriminali exceeds the selection for “The Music Village”, an event that aims to select italian bands in order to compare them with various record labels (Sugar, Carousel, BMG, Pirates), and industry’ experts in a national showcase-contest-workshop.
It plays as support act for Koroded (Silverdust Records); the show is so popular that the concert is well reviewed by "Mucchio Selvaggio".
After another line up’ s change, due to the search of a "stronger" low voice, the band seems to reach the definitive order. It ranked second in the final of the contest Inferno Canto II, achieving great success with their energetic live performance.
Its last work is the recording for the compilation LSOA Vol.2 Buridda of the song "Prima Fermata Destino".
This band’ style is difficult to label; the press has defined it as "nu-core."
VOLUMIcriminali continues to perform live in important venues (Ju-Bamboo, Brixton, LogoLoco/Crazy Bull...) and to participate in major events, such as “Balla coi Cinghiali”, “Borberock”, and in several editions of the Genoa “notte bianca”.

L'articolo Biografia Volumicriminali di Volumicriminali è apparso su il 2016-07-28 20:45:07