Vikowski - Lovers in P

29/09/2021 - 19:14 Scritto da Vikowski Vikowski 1

Lovers in P.
Before I met you, darkness found me in my sleeps.
Demons and ghosts from the past were dancing inside me.
And then I saw your eyes: a shiny, bright, cristal blue;
your golden hair, and the only thing I ever wanted:
kissing your innoncent lips,
just to hold you strong in my arms.
Despite all issues we finally share the same wall and roof.
I struggle to face to world but I find my peace when I’m back home:
a piece of cake you baked, your smile, a cup of tea on the balcony.
I hold your hand and the only thing I ever want is
kissing your innocent lips tonight,
it’s to hold you strong,
kissing your beautiful lips tonight,
making love in our bed.
When I woke up i found out you were packed and gone,
I can’t go through the thousand rooms of our empty home.
I wonder why everyday since you left.
The time goes by and the only thing I see is us falling apart.
Falling apart, falling apart.

L'articolo Vikowski - Lovers in P di Vikowski è apparso su il 2021-09-29 19:14:25


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