Kaliage - Waterloo - Lyrics Video

27/09/2022 - 21:13 Scritto da Kaliage Kaliage 1

I can't fit myself, useless in this opulence
I can't decode signals, twisted lines

young approach to devious smiles
pulse, spell, yearning to storm
what you wish, a sacred right

spoilt for choice, unable to divide
the right from wrong, when you must, once you've done
fated from that time. downwards

dream on! looking ahead
the world goes on
slip out, living your life as an
unspeakable crime, perverse, vulgar, undesired

Not used to fight, used to let it be
washed down young candour
feeling pure, no more
making shift to stay alive

cold, love is very far from your days
disillusion rules so cruel
a future no one never sought

dream gone, looking back
but that world died first
you feel blue, far from the former idols
everything has died as it is

fears dragged me far away, I am such addicted to!
I can't drop out of my only truths remained
guilt, blame, burdens, I give up
daydreaming a new life, a new age

L'articolo Kaliage - Waterloo - Lyrics Video di Kaliage è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-09-27 21:13:48


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