Membrance - Membrance - Tarantula (Official Clip)

16/04/2024 - 16:11 Scritto da Membrance Membrance 1

Something approaches me
Now I can't see it
I feel its stench
I can feel it gaze

So many claws
and fangs in this jaws.
Unformed mind
in a living body

The fangs attack
And chop my flesh
They're coming back
To life

I can't scream
in this bad dream
I just have to let go

I am the spirit of perversion
I am the father of this dream
I am the beginning of this inception
That comes after every death

The fangs attack
And chop my flesh
They're coming back
To life

I can't scream
in this bad dream
I just have to let go

Rotten fangs full of venom
that bring down the gates of heaven
with the smell of death
that wafts from your essence

Eight legs in the brain
break the shackles of mind
it bites on this corpse
and the flesh comes back to life

L'articolo Membrance - Membrance - Tarantula (Official Clip) di Membrance è apparso su il 2024-04-16 16:11:16


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