Lamansarda - "Cuckoo" Live in studio

24/01/2018 - 13:10 Scritto da Lamansarda Lamansarda 1


From the backseat of your car I considered your death
From the backseat of your life you prayed waiting for a crash
The windows were broken, the rain was all over our face, but you didn’t care
Counting the lamp post you haunted my thoughts like a ghost

Oh cuckoo, where are you gone?
Let your little love grow shining
I promise I’ll be a good…
Cuckoo, on your elbow there’s a map a drew, you should follow
I promise I’ll be a good boy

There, on the roof where you kissed his wrist (hidden like thoughts)
There, in the gutter, the cigs I found (I’ll never tell to mom)
There, where you told me “I’m not a goalkeeper” (soaked in the backyard)
Here, where you leave me alone

L'articolo Lamansarda - "Cuckoo" Live in studio di Lamansarda è apparso su il 2018-01-24 13:10:11


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