Desert Eagle - Asma

seeking a foothold
I feel the pressure rising around me
the tich is getting stronger
nailed deep I feel scraping
I feel that dig and ripping my flesh
the pain is getting stronger

Get up a scream
give me the strength
to react
Get up a scream
give me the strength
to react

The awakening
the heart exploding
I feel my skin burn slowly suffering
the fear is getting stronger
now resigned
I drop the body
I feel the pressure decrease around me
the light is a little stronger

Get up a scream
give me the strength
to react
Get up a scream
give me the strength
to react

Get up a scream
give me the strength
to react
Get up a scream
give me the strength
to react

L'articolo Desert Eagle - Asma di Desert Eagle è apparso su il 2016-03-15 23:21:35


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