O-Janà - O-Janà plays RubberWall

26/09/2018 - 10:23 Scritto da O-Janà O-Janà 0

O-Janà is a duo that brings together singer Ludovica Manzo and pianist Alessandra Bossa, two musicians and improvisers with different backgrounds. The combination of these two artists, each charged with spontaneity, curiosity and audacity, is exciting and electric and the result of it is a music that moves in several directions such as ambient, ethnic, free-improvisation and electronic.
The main characteristic of the duo is to expand boundaries in exploring and experimenting in the field of song composition and free improvisation, working on their own original material or sometimes on pre-existing songs as well. Compositions are characterized by smooth and liquid soundscapes with melodies lying on a mix of prepared piano and electronic sounds while their lyrics are, by turns, funny or poignant or thought-provoking.
Although they are always looking for the clear structure and the “song” form, O’-Janà’s concerts have a strong free improvisational component where sounds can sometimes evolve into distorted beats and jagged lines.

L'articolo O-Janà - O-Janà plays RubberWall di O-Janà è apparso su Rockit.it il 2018-09-26 10:23:02


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