Big Whales - Big Whales - Broken Mirror

21/01/2017 - 16:00 Scritto da Big Whales Big Whales 0

I wonder why i'm still here to watch,
My face strokes a broken mirror
A part of me in every scrap
To compose something that it looks like me
Maybe it's the only way to really watch me
It takes heart and honesty to really see
But i lost them
Cause i try to come to conclusion
But it's the only way to watch me, throw a broken mirror
Throw a broken mirror
I need of a broken mirror
There was a time when you let me grow
Before that i leave my weakness go down
You hurt me now with your gold fingers
And break loudly my bones like stone

L'articolo Big Whales - Big Whales - Broken Mirror di Big Whales è apparso su il 2017-01-21 16:00:33


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