wendy?! - Wendy?! - Drifting testo lyric

07/07/2021 - 11:23 Scritto da wendy?! wendy?! 3



City of lights
It shines so bright
Unashamed against the sky
Walking the streets
There’s no need to resist
Give up to her beauty and charm

Drift away

City of lights
So proud and bold
Trowin’ it all away
Memories fade
Fear’s the flag
Flyin’ above our heads

Drift away

Driftin’ to the dark / we are driftin’ / clueless in the dark
No prisoners no mercy / marching through the night / We’re just drifting
Driftin’ to the dark / we are driftin’ / clueless in the dark
No prisoners no mercy / marching through the night / We’re just drifting

Drift away


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Wendy?! - Drifting di wendy?!:


La canzone Wendy?! - Drifting si trova nell'album Eleven uscito nel 2011 per Edel, RBL Music Italia.

Copertina dell'album Eleven, di wendy?!

L'articolo wendy?! - Wendy?! - Drifting testo lyric di wendy?! è apparso su Rockit.it il 2021-07-07 11:23:54


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