wendy?! - Wendy?! - How do you sleep testo lyric

07/07/2021 - 11:23 Scritto da wendy?! wendy?! 3


How do you sleep?

So, how do you feel?
Baby listen then I’ll leave
You’ve no excuses, no alibi
And I’m alone on this dusky nowhere land
How do you feel tonight?
How do you sleep tonight?

Red lights are flashing
Mixin’ up my drifted mind
You say I’m a loner
You say I’m a fool
But I’m sure things changed because of you
How do you sleep at night?

There’s something wrong
Stoned up in your head
And I’m so weak I feel so afraid
Watch me crawl watch me bleed
Can’t you feel it now
So tell me
How do you sleep?

You just lie and deceive
But even if you’re hiding behind walls
Now I can see trough your mask
You’re a false-hearted girl that plays an evil game
How do you sleep at night?

There’s something wrong
Stoned up in your head
And I’m so weak I feel so afraid
Watch me crawl watch me bleed
Can’t you feel it now
So tell me
How do you sleep?

Watch me crawl watch me bleed
Can’t you feel it now, I’m bleeding!
Come on, tell me
How do you sleep?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Wendy?! - How do you sleep di wendy?!:

VIDEO Wendy?! - How do you sleep

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La canzone Wendy?! - How do you sleep si trova nell'album Eleven uscito nel 2011 per Edel, RBL Music Italia.

Copertina dell'album Eleven, di wendy?!

L'articolo wendy?! - Wendy?! - How do you sleep testo lyric di wendy?! è apparso su Rockit.it il 2021-07-07 11:23:54


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