X-Aphrodite - Easier Way testo lyric


can you see the future
jumping in my eyes?
I'll hide the scary frames

I never chose the easier way
look the life that I regained
from deepest flames
breaking rusty chains
which just collared me
so I've spread my wings
to hide through the darkest clouds


evil was in others
I just tried to walk my way, on my own

I always gave passion and brain
but I missed the love they had...
so uselessly, so I turn enemy
of this world...
so I'll spread my wings
to fly high 'till the past is gone

Loud, my voice will shout
cause you don't believe that I'm tired of this
Life I'm breathing without
having a chance to take control

Loud, my voice will shout
cause you don't believe that I'm tired of this
Life I'm breathing without
having the air


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Easier Way di X-Aphrodite:


La canzone Easier Way si trova nell'album Stars&Bounds uscito nel 2011.

Copertina dell'album Stars&Bounds, di X-Aphrodite

L'articolo X-Aphrodite - Easier Way testo lyric di X-Aphrodite è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-08-02 03:05:53


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