Zero.5A - Slaves to circumstances testo lyric

31/05/2012 - 13:08 Scritto da Zero.5A Zero.5A 1


Rise and fall,
upside down.
What comes around goes around,
day by day
the same pathetic story.
There are no questions,
there are no answers.

A mass of useless clichè,
I'll never care about that.
This is our course,
predictability controls our lifetime.

The same fuckin' story
with its spinless plot!

Ashes to ashes,
dust to dust
we can't run away.
As we can't forget the taste of water.

Undisclosed desires
left in burned letters.
Choked in voiceless screams
covered by millions grains of sand.

The same fuckin' story
with its spinless plot.

A big pair of hands
is moulding all matter as it likes.
We are feeling that weight
weaving like an exhausted slave.

We're slaves to circumstances


La canzone Slaves to circumstances si trova nell'album Big brain washing uscito nel 2010.

Copertina dell'album Big brain washing, di Zero.5A

L'articolo Zero.5A - Slaves to circumstances testo lyric di Zero.5A è apparso su il 2012-05-31 13:08:00


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