SOLO - What's the topic of the day (forget the rest) feat. Alidavid testo lyric

23/05/2022 - 17:46 Scritto da SOLO SOLO 0



Hey! YOU!
Yeah! YOU!

Are you being suffering from hyperthymesia, remembering on everything just right to perfection?

You're used to go complex reasoning which won't run out into the same old platitudes but get to the bottom of it, instead?

Can you afford tackling multiple issues at the same time for you trust that every point in life is somehow interconnected?

D’you go on keeping a close eye, day in day out, on debates touching certain matters, since you trust those demand being dissected to fully make head nor tail of them?


With "Topic of the day" you will feel as a person with genuine ideas every day even though you have absolutely no blooming idea about what you’re saying!

With "Topic of the day" you will be able to feel like a better person, actually above the others, without the hitch of having to waste your golden hours on investigating, in the end putting your limited cognitive abilities under stress!

With "Topic of the day" you can say too “I care about something!” with no need to make efforts having to cultivate a passion!

With "Topic of the day" you’ll feel strong enough to experience the feeling of being an exceptionally busy person every single day, be it at social or political level, while not being least bit interested in considering giving a thought to the discussion nor its contest, but nothing other than mastering your skill to highlight in the eyes of others just the fact that you too exist!

With "Topic of the day" you’ll finally grab the ability of getting noticed by everyone with no need to strain, without the struggle of having to create something intimate about yourself…


By taking advantage of our answer for your needs, play upon, put to use the many set phrases provided for you by our best authors!

What is, moreover, such beautiful as to be the center of the attention?

So just run, and come take advantage of our services!

"Topic of the day" can be found on all best social networks: YOU DON'T MISS IT!

WARNING: May be addictive. The product can only give the mere illusion of having said an intelligent thing. Keep out of reach of children and the mentally ill.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano What's the topic of the day (forget the rest) feat. Alidavid di SOLO:


Con l’avvento di internet pensavamo (ci illudevamo che) ci sarebbe stata una pluralità dell’informazione che avrebbe portato a una maggiore consapevolezza, da parte di tutti. Con l’avvento dei social ogni tipo di voce contro il sistema è stata ammutolita, soffocata dal marasma di messaggi che giornalmente ci vengono propinati, e a cui pare bisogni essere attivamente partecipi, altrimenti ci si sente tagliati fuori dal dibattito. E così nascono topic giornalieri, usa-e-getta come tutti i prodotti della società dei consumi, in modo che si parli di tutto e di niente, senza mai andare a fondo alle questioni ma passando subito al prossimo tema di dibattito, dimenticandosi del precedente senza averlo risolto o quanto meno affrontato, in un continuo presente. “What's the topic of the day? (forget the rest)” è pensata come una finta pubblicità, dove viene venduto (torniamo alla società dei consumi) un prodotto chiamato Topic Of The Day. Il tono è quello della propaganda degli anni ‘40, uno spoken word (magistralmente interpretato da Alidavid) con tanto di sottofondo bandistico, una melodia accogliente e rassicurante, a tratti esaltativa, per invogliare all’acquisto del prodotto.


SOLO: orchestrazione
Alidavid: voce
Edoardo Di Vietri: mixing
Carl Saff: mastering


La canzone What's the topic of the day (forget the rest) feat. Alidavid si trova nell'album The importance of words (songs of love, anti-capitalism and mental illness) uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album The importance of words (songs of love, anti-capitalism and mental illness), di SOLO

L'articolo SOLO - What's the topic of the day (forget the rest) feat. Alidavid testo lyric di SOLO è apparso su il 2022-05-23 17:46:08


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