4Luppoli RNFR Band - An Old Promise testo lyric


There’s a man smoking a cigarette
He is waiting for his chance
He is looking for his place
No fear no regrets
And the days pass by
But her memory remains
And the days pass by
But her memory remains
Just keeping an old promise
He wondered if he’d get there
He hated is shaky hand
That gun’ll lead to hell
His heart is beating faster
His eyes are full of distress
The sky that night was his friend
Twenty birds upon his hands
“...and I don’t forget
I don’t forgive
...and I don’t forget
I don’t forgive”
Just keeping an old promise
He wondered if he’d get there
He hated is shaky hand
That gun’ll lead to hell
That man came with his friends
And seemed to still have her blood on his hands
He stood up and took a deep breath... shot and ran away
Ran away... ran away...
Just keeping and old promise
He wondered if he’d get there
He did what he came to do
Now she rests in peace


Copyright© 2017 D. Amici, F. Ferranti, A. Tacchini, E. Tedeschi. All rights reserved. Opera registrata su Patamu.com per la tutela del diritto d'autore, deposito n. 65228 del 25/06/2017.


La canzone An Old Promise si trova nell'album FADE uscito nel 2016.

Copertina dell'album FADE, di 4Luppoli RNFR Band

L'articolo 4Luppoli RNFR Band - An Old Promise testo lyric di 4Luppoli RNFR Band è apparso su Rockit.it il 2017-07-28 20:37:52


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