4Luppoli RNFR Band - Dust testo lyric


Open my eyes and in my mind I’m already on the road
Put on jeans put on boots put on jacket and I’m ready to go
So many miles I have to go I don’t know how but the engine is on
Wind on my face sun in the sky smell of the road and my heart is on fire
Had God been on earth
He would have made some mistakes... but when
He made you lying in bed
He made his sacred universe
Baby I’m coming
Baby I’m coming
We’ll roll to hell together every time
Watching the paradise
Dust in the air brakes till the end I want your love I don’t need friends
I change gear you are so near I want your body you’re burning inside of me
Had God been on earth
He would have made some mistakes... but when
He made you lying in bed
He made his sacred universe
Baby I’m coming
Baby I’m coming
We’ll roll to hell together every time
Watching the paradise
Baby I’m coming
Baby I’m coming
We’ll roll to hell together every time
Watching the paradise
Baby I’m coming
Baby I’m coming
We’ll roll to hell together every time
Watching the paradise


Copyright© 2017 D. Amici, F. Ferranti, A. Tacchini, E. Tedeschi. All rights reserved. Opera registrata su Patamu.com per la tutela del diritto d'autore, deposito n. 65218 del 25/06/2017.


La canzone Dust si trova nell'album FADE uscito nel 2016.

Copertina dell'album FADE, di 4Luppoli RNFR Band

L'articolo 4Luppoli RNFR Band - Dust testo lyric di 4Luppoli RNFR Band è apparso su Rockit.it il 2017-07-28 20:37:52


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