I’m walking on the sidewalk
Not a typical sidewalk but a sidewalk with a body
The flames in my feet while I’m talking with a stranger
In a stranger street with a gun in the hand
With a gun in my head
And I’m hearing all the shots, the shots in the air
With the blood in my new shoes, the blood in my new t-shirt
A bullet is travelling, it’s travelling inside me and they want me down,
and they want me a dead man
I’m walking on the sidewalk
Not a typical sidewalk, the body is mine
I’m walking on the sidewalk
Not a typical sidewalk but a sidewalk with a body
The flames in my feet while I’m talking with a stranger
In a stranger street with a gun in the hand
With a gun in my head
And I’m hearing all the shots, the shots in the air
With the blood in my new shoes, the blood in my new t-shirt
A bullet is travelling, it’s travelling inside me and they want me down,
and they want me a dead man
I’m walking on the sidewalk
Not a typical sidewalk, the body is mine
The body is mine!
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Body down di Be.holders:
La canzone Body down si trova nell'album Default uscito nel 2020.

L'articolo Be.holders - Body down testo lyric di Be.holders è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-07-30 12:38:53