Blind Ride - Stranger to my Eyes testo lyric

14/01/2023 - 17:07 Scritto da Blind Ride Blind Ride 0


I was walking on my own among the colors of the night
Hearing no one’s breath
The world was standing by
While I was celebrating my right to be left alone
I sighted a man coming from the fog
As he was coming near me
A voice appeared in my mind
I’ve heard those words, the ones that were ice cold ice

I could not believe an old man from another time
Spoke to me
Like he has always been by my side
Swear to myself I’ve never thought
Feeling the breeze and getting lost
Now I realize
I’m a stranger to my eyes
Life is safe in a small city world
As much as a secret that awaits to be unfolded
Swear to myself I’ve never thought
Feeling the breeze and getting lost
Now I realize
Stranger to my own eyes
Everytime i look beyond
I hear the man
Whose words never get old


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Stranger to my Eyes di Blind Ride:


La canzone Stranger to my Eyes si trova nell'album BLIND RIDE - Paranoid-Critical Method uscito nel 2023 per Overdub Recordings, Stock-a.

Copertina dell'album BLIND RIDE - Paranoid-Critical Method, di Blind Ride

L'articolo Blind Ride - Stranger to my Eyes testo lyric di Blind Ride è apparso su il 2023-01-14 17:07:41


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