Frank.Sinutre - But The Boy Believed To Fly testo lyric


But the Boy Believed to Fly

But the boy believed to fly
Some people fly some people lie
But the boy believed to fly

But the boy believed to fly
Some people talk some people hide
But the boy believed to fly

Some people fly some people lie
Some people talk some people hide
But the boy believed to fly
Against fear based power society

Against fear based power society

But the boy believed to fly
Some people fly some people lie
But the boy believed to fly

But the boy believed to fly
Some people talk some people hide
But the boy believed to fly

But the boy believed to fly
Against fear based power society

But the boy believed to fly

But the boy believed to fly
Against fear based power society

But the boy believed to fly

But the boy believed to fly
But the boy believed to fly
But the boy believed to fly
But the boy believed to fly


Premi play per ascoltare il brano But The Boy Believed To Fly di Frank.Sinutre:


Featuring Francesco Zacchi on double bass

VIDEO But The Boy Believed To Fly

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La canzone But The Boy Believed To Fly si trova nell'album The Boy Who Believed He Could Fly uscito nel 2016 per New Model Label.

Copertina dell'album The Boy Who Believed He Could Fly, di Frank.Sinutre

L'articolo Frank.Sinutre - But The Boy Believed To Fly testo lyric di Frank.Sinutre è apparso su il 2023-11-09 20:23:37


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