Titolo: Urban-Park-Sleeping-Lovers
We are urban park slepping lovers
We sleep until the sun beats the walls
We are urban park sleeping lovers
We sleep until the sun breaks the stones
We are urban park slepping lovers
We sleep until the sun beats the walls
We are urban park sleeping lovers
We sleep until the sun breaks the stones
We are urban park sleeping lovers
We are urban park sleeping lovers
We sleep until the sun beats the walls
We are urban park sleeping lovers
We sleep until the sun breaks the stones
We are urban park slepping lovers
We sleep until the sun beats the walls
We are urban park sleeping lovers
We sleep until the sun breaks the stones
We are urban park sleeping lovers
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Urban-Park-Sleeping Lovers di Frank.Sinutre:
VIDEO Urban-Park-Sleeping Lovers

La canzone Urban-Park-Sleeping Lovers si trova nell'album The Boy Who Believed He Could Fly uscito nel 2016 per New Model Label.

L'articolo Frank.Sinutre - Urban-Park-Sleeping Lovers testo lyric di Frank.Sinutre è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-11-09 20:23:37