Ghost Track - Surrender testo lyric


when i see you i surrender,
while yuo walk into my brain
just your shadow can allow
drain blood inside my veins
‘cause you’re my sun
you’re my water, you’re my sky
my roots are now so hangry
so i really need your breath
your body cherry flavoured
hot spirit from your lips
your belly old sweet slaver
cause i want you, come to me
cause you’re my spit
you’re my bones, you’re mi spine
my throat is now so thirsty
i’m gonna drink your soul
cause i’m rotting
keep dying
i’ll surrender
but in the end you’ve blown away all my dreams
the little thing were important to me
a blazing light, right on my head
whose shadows don’t let me stand
suffocating i will open my eyes
i’ll find the truth even thouh i was blind


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La canzone Surrender si trova nell'album Ghost Track uscito nel 2020 per Soundreef.

Copertina dell'album Ghost Track, di Ghost Track

L'articolo Ghost Track - Surrender testo lyric di Ghost Track è apparso su il 2020-11-22 14:02:42


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