Giadiz - Nightmare testo lyric

31/03/2024 - 17:53 Scritto da Giadiz Giadiz 0


I think I love you
You thought I feel in love with you
For who you played to be
But I know you, so take off your mask
I've never asked you what we were meant to be baby
My feelings grew so fast,
While yours are death like my heart now.

There's a bit of me in you and so little I can do
Like a loop never stops in my head in my mind

Is it time to say "goodbye" ?
'Cause I'd really rather die
And I'd really rather die, die, die, die

You're like a nightmare
Dressed as a dream
I know that you want me
I feel it in my bloodstream (x2)

Does it kill me to think of what we could have been?
Look into my eyes now
Baby look at me at least one more time

Never know how much a friend
Prayed for me that I forget
Don't know why I survived but I'm still under the rain
And sometimes I'm still afraid

'Cause I'd really rather die
And I'd really rather die, die, die, die

You're like a nightmare
Dressed as a dream
I know that you want me
I feel it in my bloodstream (x2)


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Nightmare di Giadiz:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: FESTIVALINO SOUND SYSTEM (di @rockitadmin con 308 brani)


Questo brano è collegato a "Dream".
Dal sogno si passa all'incubo.


Testo e voce: Giadiz
Produzione: Yvan Cole


La canzone Nightmare si trova nell'album Reborn uscito nel 2024 per Routenote.

Copertina dell'album Reborn, di Giadiz

L'articolo Giadiz - Nightmare testo lyric di Giadiz è apparso su il 2024-03-31 17:53:31


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