Giadiz - Singing Together testo lyric

31/03/2024 - 17:53 Scritto da Giadiz Giadiz 0


What will I tell you when you see me?
I'm not that strong, you know
I don't believe in myself (no)
Now what will I tell you?
I've been in therapy,
So many talks and medicines
You're like the mirror of my problems
I thought it helped me
But in the end it just killed me
And I cannot stand this nonsense
We're two distant bodies but one soul
And we keep on shining so we shine on (in this cloudy sky..)
And now promise me you won't let go
Baby when it's over in a dark storm (our soul will still be..)
I have to leave you just one message
You don't understand
I need you like you need me
Oh, I'm human too
I heard so many word
I feel this way and you gotta know
We still burn like two twin flames
You know what I mean
I'm in short of another meme
To breathe I need one more caress
We're two distant bodies but one soul
And we keep on shining so we shine on (in this cloudy sky..)
Promise me you won't let go
Baby when it's over in a dark storm (our soul will still be..)
Singing together


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Singing Together di Giadiz:


La canzone Singing Together si trova nell'album Singing Together uscito nel 2022 per Routenote.

Copertina dell'album Singing Together, di Giadiz

L'articolo Giadiz - Singing Together testo lyric di Giadiz è apparso su il 2024-03-31 17:53:31


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