Greco & Green - Bullion testo lyric


There's very little that I need these days
Just a chair out in the yard
Birds on wires and planes flying overhead
I catch some rays when life gets hard

The sun's a tonne of gold bullion
And I'm a rich man every time she shines
The sun's a tonne of gold bullion
I don't want cash for gold just want some wine

Been doing maintenance at the overlook hotel
Too many ghosts locked in that place
London and Rome with a Tele and a slide
I'll crack the safe and play my ace

The sun's a tonne of gold bullion
And I'm a rich man every time she shines
The sun's a tonne of gold bullion
I don't want cash for gold just want some wine

Every time she shines on me
It's like Fort Knox in this city

What you got? Read 'em and weep
A golden joker in the late afternoon
Pink light Los Angeles as the shadows stretch
Over retro furniture in a motel room

The sun's a tonne of gold bullion
And I'm a rich man every time she shines
The sun's a tonne of gold bullion
I don't want cash for gold just want some wine

Every time she shines on me
It's like Fort Knox in this city


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Bullion di Greco & Green:




La canzone Bullion si trova nell'album October uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

Copertina dell'album October, di Greco & Green

L'articolo Greco & Green - Bullion testo lyric di Greco & Green è apparso su il 2022-04-13 11:58:58


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