Greco & Green - Golden now testo lyric


I felt the kiss of the rain
so cold, like a dead girl's mouth
but I hid it in shame:
don't want you to see me so down

so let me into your light
and we could be so golden now
in the depths of the fight
we could be so golden now

I'll change out of this suit -
this old suit of sorrow
let me into your light
and we could be so golden now

precious metals and sun
let me bask in your love

so let me into your light
and we could be so golden now
in the depths of the fight
we could be so golden now

I'll change out of this suit -
this old suit of sorrow
let me into your light
and we could be so golden now

precious metals and sun
let me bask in your love

and just for a while
we'll hold out the rainy day
so golden now
shining down in yellow rays


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Golden now di Greco & Green:




La canzone Golden now si trova nell'album October uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

Copertina dell'album October, di Greco & Green

L'articolo Greco & Green - Golden now testo lyric di Greco & Green è apparso su il 2022-04-13 11:58:58


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