Greco & Green - Home testo lyric


Home in the arms of laughter and wine
home with these friends of mine
The outside world is suspended in time
home where the stars align

Lately my clouds have been low and grey
and heavy like a cannonball
so here I am again

Home where the dogs are quiet
home where the mornings are bright
Problems don't need solving
no battles left to fight
home where the stars align

And everything is calm again
i've bought some whisky for all my friends
The poets and the singers
getting high again
make a song out of the rain

Lately my clouds have been low and grey
and heavy like a cannonball
so here I am again

Home where my guitar is hanging on the wall
home where I'll toast you one and all
The outside world is suspended in time
home where the stars align

And everything is calm again
i've bought some whisky for all my friends
The poets and the singers
getting high again
make a song out of the rain

(it's so heavy, man
there's such a cost
weighed-down in the moment
but with motorways to cross
from favelas
to the mirrors in versailles
we are merely travellers
passing through this life

but one day you will find
you're suspended in time
a bubble in the stream
in the dust-mote light
nirvana attained
in the bus stop rain
a scene from a dream
where your freeze-frame mind
is weightless
so weightless

here we go
in slo-mo
adrift in zero gravity
astronauts in our own home
in a sea of zero gravity

but one day you will find
you're suspended in time
a bubble in the stream
in the dust-mote light
nirvana attained
in the bus stop rain
a scene from a dream
where your freeze-frame mind
is weightless
so weightless)


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Home di Greco & Green:


La canzone Home si trova nell'album Elsewhere on the outskirts uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Elsewhere on the outskirts, di Greco & Green

L'articolo Greco & Green - Home testo lyric di Greco & Green è apparso su il 2022-04-13 11:58:58


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