Greco & Green - October testo lyric


Summer buried under leaves
The sky a looking glass of trees
Hibernating from the sun
Halloween for everyone

Pour myself another wine
The blood of saints and so divine
Getting dark so early now
Swallowing this tinsel town

October – you know her
She's always changing
And rearranging
Her skies and eyes
Elusive as mist
Her light... her rainy kiss

Remember when we used to smoke
On the fire escape and share a joke
But now the nights are closing in
And the geese are flying south again

So I'll pour myself another wine
The blood of saints and so divine
Another chapter after all
Closes in this urban sprawl

October – you know her
She's always changing
And rearranging
Her skies and eyes
Elusive as mist
Her light... her rainy kiss

And who broke your light?
Who brought the night?
The thief of your smile
Has nowhere to hide

Now Winter takes us
She makes us bow down to the queen
So icy and mean
With her skeletal trees

Now Winter takes us
She makes us bow down to the queen
So icy and mean
With her skeletal trees
And a crown so white and frozen
And a crown so white and frozen

Pour myself another wine
The blood of saints and so divine
Getting dark so early now
Swallowing this tinsel town


Premi play per ascoltare il brano October di Greco & Green:




La canzone October si trova nell'album October uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

Copertina dell'album October, di Greco & Green

L'articolo Greco & Green - October testo lyric di Greco & Green è apparso su il 2022-04-13 11:58:58


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