Greco & Green - Taxi to the Moon testo lyric


Where shall we go tonight?
turn your face towards the light
we're paintings on the four walls of this room

and I don't want the ordinary
I want the things I've never seen
Busby Berkley babes and starlet swoons

and we should take
a taxi to the moon
fly our cage
and slip away

hail and climb in
this seratonin
who wants to be conventional?

cocktails at the last saloon
monkey clowns with pink balloons
imagination to infinity

time to get your gladrags on
we'll go running with the dogs
far above the sorrow of the world

and we should take
a taxi to the moon
fly our cage
and slip away

and we should take
a taxi to the moon
fly our cage
and slip away

slip away...


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Taxi to the Moon di Greco & Green:


La canzone Taxi to the Moon si trova nell'album Elsewhere on the outskirts uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Elsewhere on the outskirts, di Greco & Green

L'articolo Greco & Green - Taxi to the Moon testo lyric di Greco & Green è apparso su il 2022-04-13 11:58:58


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