Greco & Green - The Magician testo lyric


for my next trick
i will disappear
into thin air - right out of here
and nobody will know
how I pulled it off

smoke and mirrors
and sleight of hand
you see I no longer love this land
now every trick I ever planned escapes me

there's nothing up my sleeve
there's nothing on the radio
there's nowhere that i could land
that could be so cold
that could be so old
when the audience departs
when the people all go home
here we go again
the hollow little men
who always talk me down

for my next trick
i will make this wine
disappear in record time
for I'm the great Mysterio

for my next trick
i will disappear
into thin air - right out of here
and nobody will know
how I pulled it off


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Magician di Greco & Green:


La canzone The Magician si trova nell'album Elsewhere on the outskirts uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Elsewhere on the outskirts, di Greco & Green

L'articolo Greco & Green - The Magician testo lyric di Greco & Green è apparso su il 2022-04-13 11:58:58


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