Iggy & his Booze - A place to call home testo lyric


I’ve been walking all alone on my own way
with no real place to go
I’ve been searching for that promise land
that maybe nobody knows

I’ve been facing every brand new morning
trying to forget the night
waiting for the sunshine
that could keep me warm

I’m not looking for a treasure
Ii don’t want to live in a golden cage
I’m just looking for a place
looking for a place to call home

I’ve been searching for that land of freedom
that for most of us is just a dream
I’ve been living in the dark side of the world
fighting for everything
so now I’m facing day by day
with no god to pray to
I’m rambling around
trying not to get stuck on the ground

I’m not looking for a treasure
I don’t want to live in a golden cage
I’m just looking for a place
looking for a place to call home

I’m not looking for a treasure
I don’t want to live in a golden cage
i’m just looking for a place
looking for a place to call home
I’m just looking for a place
looking for a place to call home
I’m just looking for a place
looking for a place to call home


Premi play per ascoltare il brano A place to call home di Iggy & his Booze:


La canzone A place to call home si trova nell'album A place to call home uscito nel 2019 per iMusician.

Copertina dell'album A place to call home, di Iggy & his Booze

L'articolo Iggy & his Booze - A place to call home testo lyric di Iggy & his Booze è apparso su Rockit.it il 2019-12-27 01:52:49


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