Irene Iris Salis - Another Day (reimagined) testo lyric


I don't want to go to work today, I'd rather Stay home and play video games, I wanna chill

But I gotta get up...

I don't want to go to work today
I'd rather stay home and play video games
I'd rather chill for real, I don't know how you feel But sometimes I feel like I'm workin' for nothin’ Tryin' to get somethin'
Everywhere I turn there's a bill standing out Swim the river, climb the hill, complacency
You ain't gon' get me, no, no, no, no

’Coz I gotta get up...

I don't want to go to work today
I rather stay home and play video games
I rather chill for real, I don't know how you feel But sometimes I feel like I'm workin' for nothin' Tryin' to get sumthin'
Everywhere I turn there's a bill standing out Swim the river, climb the hill, complacency You ain't gone get me, no, no, no, no

’Coz I gotta get up...

I’d rather be in my space, I'd rather chill in my place
So I can go out and play all day I, I'd rather chill at home I'd rather lay alone, true but I got to work, I don't wanna go
I wanna play today but what can I say, bills to pay
I just can't get comfortable doing, doing nothin', nuthin'

Oh, oh, gotta get up...


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Another Day (reimagined) di Irene Iris Salis:




reimagined version.
original by 4Hero Feat. Jill Scott

Drums: Nicola "Ninu" Vacca


La canzone Another Day (reimagined) si trova nell'album Soul Star uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album Soul Star, di Irene Iris Salis

L'articolo Irene Iris Salis - Another Day (reimagined) testo lyric di Irene Iris Salis è apparso su il 2021-12-08 15:27:08


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