Irene Iris Salis - Desire testo lyric


Is it desire that tears true love down to the ground, down to the ground?
Is it desire that sets our minds on fire making us miserable supplicants?
Is it desire that dulls our intelligence planting the seed of greed in our hearts? Is it desire casting the spell of illusion of happiness blooming other than within?

Im sorry I let you in
Should I’ve kept things as they were What we had was enough
Now we've lost everything

Will this life be enough for me to learn
That no peace can depend on anywhere outside of me Will I know myself enough to see
That I can embrace my fears
That I don’t need to run away
‘Couse at the at of the day
A big smile awaits, a big smile awaits


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Desire di Irene Iris Salis:


Irene Iris Salis


La canzone Desire si trova nell'album Soul Star uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album Soul Star, di Irene Iris Salis

L'articolo Irene Iris Salis - Desire testo lyric di Irene Iris Salis è apparso su il 2021-12-08 15:27:08


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