Irene Iris Salis - Frosted Skies testo lyric


I remember the cold of December,
The snow that left our fingertips Biting like ember.
We were not afraid to dive
into those flaming starlit nights,
Like fireflies igniting the somber of frosted skies.
Like stars falling off a distant canvas
We would escape the stillness of the Day
And spread
Our creased
Paper thin wings
Tomorrow brings nevers and nothings.
Present moments unfolding,
Becoming distant past
At last casting a spell on us,
Saturating our breath
With the irreplaceable:
Irreplaceable flakes of life
Untraceable flakes of life
Irreplaceable flakes of life
Unbreakable flakes of life


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Frosted Skies di Irene Iris Salis:


Irene Iris Salis


Nicola "Ninu" Vacca: studio recording, drums


La canzone Frosted Skies si trova nell'album Soul Star uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album Soul Star, di Irene Iris Salis

L'articolo Irene Iris Salis - Frosted Skies testo lyric di Irene Iris Salis è apparso su il 2021-12-08 15:27:08


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