Kreky & The Asteroids - Arpeggio testo lyric


I’m lost in these muddy waters of coldness,
where oxygen is another chance someone gave me.
I hold my breath, ‘till I’m ready
to breathe again and lose another piece of me.
I keep still every time it comes out of nowhere,
interferences and commands, upset sleeping all day
and won’t let me fall, as I should.
But what if you would,
you could take my innocence and save this little atom
I’ve preserved from all this mess,
with so much care.
Please come, help me if I’m drowning,
before they come to pull me down back, again.
Memories and loneliness moved you away from me.
Shadows and sadness still upset my dreams.
To hold you, is what I didn’t expect from this new life beginning,
this chance to give you my heart, which now I’m handing you.
Lightness and kindness show me where I broke myself
I remember all the times when my heart could rest quite open,
for a while.
Smile if you can, there’s no medicine able to fix this hole I got inside.
I still can’t believe how, somehow, you woke me up
and blew away those ghosts of fear.
What really matters is hidden to the eyes,
if I leave your breath, I may rise up again.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Arpeggio di Kreky & The Asteroids:


La canzone Arpeggio si trova nell'album Banner Blindness uscito nel 2022 per Goodfellas Records, Romolo Dischi, Pirames International.

Copertina dell'album Banner Blindness, di Kreky & The Asteroids

L'articolo Kreky & The Asteroids - Arpeggio testo lyric di Kreky & The Asteroids è apparso su il 2022-04-26 18:31:35


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