Kreky & The Asteroids - Improve (feat. Roberto Angelini) testo lyric


Black birds of nightmares, coming out of the crypt.
I'm entering in silence, nobody is there.
Is this the end, or the first light of a new dawn?
The time rejects all the assumed absences that don’t let you improve, anymore.
I'm fighting for brightness, and nobody wins.
Hail to all my friends, who took me for dead.
I thought that nothing was still shining on my way back home.
I was so blind, I was so scared, because everything dies someday.
If there's something in between I haven’t seen,
please bring me back to my faults to pay off all my bills.
It seems now there’s no one talking about her
except when I'm in silence like praying,
those voices call her father's name.
I'm asking for someone to come and assure me that I'm safe
death to all of my friends, who left me for dead.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Improve (feat. Roberto Angelini) di Kreky & The Asteroids:


La canzone Improve (feat. Roberto Angelini) si trova nell'album Banner Blindness uscito nel 2022 per Goodfellas Records, Romolo Dischi, Pirames International.

Copertina dell'album Banner Blindness, di Kreky & The Asteroids

L'articolo Kreky & The Asteroids - Improve (feat. Roberto Angelini) testo lyric di Kreky & The Asteroids è apparso su il 2022-04-26 18:31:35


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