Long Hair In Three Stages - Acorn testo lyric


My mind is a blackboard
my mind is… what?
Did I just tell you?
Did I already tell you
my mind is a blackboard?
Time is a duster
old traces remain
memories mingle
the future, the past

Like sunrise from nightfall
or dew in the sunrays
The river to the delta
or a bird to the sky
the sand from a clutched hand
the frog from a tadpole
the oak to an acorn
the hands of a clock

now I feel like receding
I’m back on my old steps
a raindrop from a sunray
a coin from a well
I hold my father’s big hand
My mother is smiling
The world is in Ekhtachrome

The paper from a dustbin
a line from the eraser
a leaf back on a treetop
a balloon from the sky
my favorite toy car
Back from the stairwell
the man that I used to be
the kid that I am

[I’m not gone, dissolved in smoke
I am the acorn from the oak
I’m not hurt, see, I don’t bleed
I was tree and now I’m seed]


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Acorn di Long Hair In Three Stages:


La perdita di sé, vista dall'interno, come disperazione, come consolazione.


La canzone Acorn si trova nell'album The Oak Within The Acorn uscito nel 2023 per NoiseWave, NoiseWave.

Copertina dell'album The Oak Within The Acorn, di Long Hair In Three Stages

L'articolo Long Hair In Three Stages - Acorn testo lyric di Long Hair In Three Stages è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-10-27 18:31:13


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