Eh! Eh! Eh!
It is a stormy night
Thunders and lightnings
I need somewhere warm
I need something hot
So c'mon, fuckin' barman
Get the hell up
Serve and put the drinks
On my tab
'Cause, you know, this is my round
So I'll pay for us
What a nice merry-go-round
Let's shoot to the glass!
'Coz I'm
Drinkin' from bottle!
I can't get enough
Drinkin' from bottle!
So put your feet up
Drinkin' from bottle!
I don't need the glass
Drinkin' from bottle!
Eh! Eh! Eh!
She comes into the lights
Catched with my eyes
Patrons feel like worms
She's so fuckin' hot
She comes to me and she says
"Offer me a drink"
I laught to taste and I say
"Tell me what you think
It's no more my round
So don't damn me
Your nice face is not enough
To fool me!"
'Coz I'm
'Coz I'm drinkin' (Eh! Eh! Eh!)
Yes I'm drinkin' (Eh! Eh! Eh!)
And she's drinkin' from my bottle!
I'm drinkin' some whiskey, She's drinkin' right on me
I'm drinkin', I'm drinkin', And she's drinkin', she's drinkin'
I'M DRINKIN' FROM BOTTLE! I'm drinkin'! Eh! Eh! Eh!
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Drinkin' From Bottle di Landslide - Hard 'n Heavy:
Testo puramente rock ‘n roll che gioca su un facile doppio senso.
Testo: N. Feo
Musica: N. Feo, M. Giordano
La canzone Drinkin' From Bottle si trova nell'album A Hexagonal Experience uscito nel 2015.

L'articolo Landslide - Hard 'n Heavy - Drinkin' From Bottle testo lyric di Landslide - Hard 'n Heavy è apparso su Rockit.it il 2016-06-22 17:52:19