When the night shuts off the lights
Or when the lights bright on the night
Drive me baby on the burnin' highway
Then I'll drive you on the right way
The waiting is always too much
But time for us is never enough
Hitting knees on the floor
Pushin' shoulders against the wall
Holdin' bodies on a velvet sheet
Increasing hungry tasting your lips
So let's makin' love
Yeah, such as a sweet rock
I know there won't be stop
Yeah, time for more than a single shot
Sweet rock
I know there won't be stop
Yeah, time for more than a single shot
The voltmeter is running away
Speeded up by the sensual rain
Maybe it's forbidden, I think we cannot
But it's a hazard game like machines-slot
It's like we are playin' to hide
In a hidden hole of thousands Farenheit!
Hitting head on the ceil
Lockin' doors and throw away the keys
Your fingers, runnin' right on me
And my arms hold you on me
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Sweet Rock di Landslide - Hard 'n Heavy:
Testo romantico e passionale, una sorta di canzone d’amore in tinte di “dolce rock”.
Testo: N. Feo
Musica: N. Feo, M. Giordano, A. Feo
La canzone Sweet Rock si trova nell'album A Hexagonal Experience uscito nel 2015.

L'articolo Landslide - Hard 'n Heavy - Sweet Rock testo lyric di Landslide - Hard 'n Heavy è apparso su Rockit.it il 2016-06-22 17:52:19