Dark Cherries and Wine T&M di L.Burgalassi
A dim light through the window’s curtain
on our blankets and pillows.
Outside the sparrows start singing at dawn
and she’s still breathing on me.
I can feel her skin on my skin
The odour of wine, the sounds of the night
The small room breathing with us
Whispered words under the stars
She was standing at the door
Tasting a glass of red wine.
Her glance up to the sky
that warm summer night.
Hard to tell her skin from my skin
Her odour from mine, the scent of the night
Her breath is my own but I know that soon
We will be too far
Lying on the cool sand
faint fishermen’s lights
Listening to the sea whisper
that quiet summer night
I know our candle is ceasing to burn
I’m still not ready to leave.
I'll never let anyone
cancel these memories from me
Her breath over me, her skin on my skin
dark cherries and wine in the still of the night
That small room falling with us
Unspoken words sent to the stars
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Dark Cherries and Wine di Luca Burgalassi:
Music and Lyrics by Luca Burgalassi
from the Album "Shadows and Fragments"
2015 Videoradio Editore
Luca Burgalassi: vocals, acoustic and electric guitars, mandolin, percussions
Ettore Fancelli: Drums
Nino Pellegrini: Double Bass
Franco Ceccanti: Cello
La canzone Dark Cherries and Wine si trova nell'album Shadows and Fragments uscito nel 2014 per Videoradio.

L'articolo Luca Burgalassi - Dark Cherries and Wine testo lyric di Luca Burgalassi è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-11-18 20:57:08