Mods - Endless Point testo lyric

13/03/2023 - 14:41Scritto da Mods Mods0


I wake up from the longest dream
And I don't know if this is real
My head is full of shadows
And they cover my tired eyes

This is why I don't regret even if the world will collapse
This is why I don't regret even if the world will collapse

I never thought I could reach this endless point
I never thought I could reach this endless point

Now I feel so strange to be alive
And I have to clench my teeth
These wounds that I did are so clear
And they ask to be remembered

This is why I don't regret even if the world will collapse
This is why I don't regret even if the world will collapse

I never thought
I never thought

I never thought I could reach this endless point


La canzone Endless Point si trova nell'album Aftermath uscito nel 2018.

Copertina dell'album Aftermath, di Mods

L'articolo Mods - Endless Point testo lyric di Mods è apparso su il 2023-03-13 14:41:22


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