Mods - Everything That Was Before testo lyric

13/03/2023 - 14:41 Scritto da Mods Mods 0


This is what it can be call a beginning
You and me on the edge of things
We walked in circles across the mad
staying together even when things gone bad

You don't care about my past
There just one thing to know
You don't want to let me dream
Everything that was before

But then you shamed, said "it is not enough"
Staying on the rooftops of your homes
Sometimes there is no explanation, you right
Maybe it was all end, even before I tryed to fix

Everything that was before
You and me on the edge of things


La canzone Everything That Was Before si trova nell'album Storm uscito nel 2017.

Copertina dell'album Storm, di Mods

L'articolo Mods - Everything That Was Before testo lyric di Mods è apparso su il 2023-03-13 14:41:22


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