Mods - Shadows testo lyric

13/03/2023 - 14:41 Scritto da Mods Mods 0


When you feel so alone
Even in a world with bilions of people
Close in your bedroom
A prey for the tomorrow that will come

I prepared a trap, to be mad with you
I can offer you just this cause it's so hard and cruel
I want to give you a gift, to be fine with you
I can open this just once cause it's so far to reach

When you feel so sad
And the world is crashing down to you
Close in a fortress
A sun will shine afterall

I prepared a trap, to be mad with you
I can offer you just this cause it's so hard and cruel
I want to give you a gift, to be fine with you
I can open this just once cause it's so far to reach

A shadow in your mind
It's all so dark and cold

I prepared a trap, to be mad with you
I can offer you just this cause it's so hard and cruel
I want to give you a gift, to be fine with you
I can open this just once cause it's so far to reach


La canzone Shadows si trova nell'album Aftermath uscito nel 2018.

Copertina dell'album Aftermath, di Mods

L'articolo Mods - Shadows testo lyric di Mods è apparso su il 2023-03-13 14:41:22


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