OLD MAN - Funky Vampire testo lyric

24/09/2023 - 09:44 Scritto da OLD MAN OLD MAN 0


suck!!! suck!!!
can you remember my name
suck!!! suck!!!
can you remember my name

the rhythm of this night opens my great scenes
on full moon high rise my voice of desire
i know you...you know me good blood give good blood...
in my loneliness goodbye gravity

pure skin in my real blood
above the sky in feeling free yeah
floating like a butterfly
give me a bite for a vampire stile

suck!!! suck!!!
can you remember my name
suck!!! suck!!!
can you remember my name

from one life to another i finally finding you
my immortal beloved from Rome to Delaware
i've crossed the ocean all time to find you
enter in my heart again from here to eternity
yeah... you know you really my name
yeah... you know you really my name... yeah!!!

pure skin in my real blood
above the sky in feeling free yeah
floating like a butterfly..funky vampire...

now i know you and you know me!!!
now i know you and you know me!!!
now i know you and i want you and i want you!!!
now i know you and i want you and i want you...yeah!!!

suck!!! suck!!!
can you remember my name
suck!!! suck!!!
can you remember my name


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Funky Vampire di OLD MAN:


La canzone Funky Vampire si trova nell'album DEMO 2022 uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album DEMO 2022, di OLD MAN

L'articolo OLD MAN - Funky Vampire testo lyric di OLD MAN è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-09-24 09:44:05


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