Resilienza - Follow your heart testo lyric

11/02/2017 - 09:25 Scritto da Resilienza Resilienza 0



Don’t forget that the sea
have a beautiful blue..

Like her eyes and I’ll scream
every time you lie is a
touch of madness.

Don’t forget please
you’re beautiful

Listen to the sound of your
heart already knows the way!

Don’t forget the sky
gives the blue to the sea

like a leader learn from the rain
how to cover all the world

don’t forget please
you’re beautiful

listen to the sound of your action
and earn the color from your eyes

When the darkness comes
and you start to tremble
follow your heart
When the darkness comes
rushing like a hurricane
listen to the wind
When the darkness comes
ruthless like nature
you will win over yourself

When the darkness comes
and you start to tremble
follow your heart
When the darkness comes
rushing like a hurricane
listen to the wind
When the darkness comes
ruthless like nature
you will win over yourself


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Follow your heart di Resilienza:


La canzone Follow your heart si trova nell'album Get - Up! uscito nel 2016.

Copertina dell'album Get - Up!, di Resilienza

L'articolo Resilienza - Follow your heart testo lyric di Resilienza è apparso su il 2017-02-11 09:25:17


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