Rodgard - Something from the street testo lyric

09/09/2022 - 15:53 Scritto da Rodgard Rodgard 2


Early downing on the street… the pain is on your feet… and on your knees
You’re a rover of the night… the question is to keep.. yourself alive

I don’t know where you are from… but by the way you move.. you must be wrong
If you wake up the next day… well I bet you have to say.. I don’t.. mind

I gotta know something, I gotta feel something
You just had it from the streets boy

I gotta know something, I gotta feel something
You just had it from the streets boy

And now.. you want to.. justify that all your troubles… come from the past
If you think you’re in the right… well I think I have to say:.. you must be blind

I don’t know where you are from… but by the way you talk.. you must be wrong
You can say you’re very hard… but have you ever thought.. the truth is so.. far


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Something from the street di Rodgard:


La canzone Something from the street si trova nell'album Something from the street uscito nel 2022 per Distrokid.

Copertina dell'album Something from the street, di Rodgard

L'articolo Rodgard - Something from the street testo lyric di Rodgard è apparso su il 2022-09-09 15:53:42


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