TAFF - Charlie testo lyric

26/06/2023 - 16:56Scritto da TAFF TAFF0


Charlie is sitting with her
He hasn't felt safe for a while
He has been trying to touch her for a while
She has a snow color skin
Pale with passion

Charlie is sitting with her
He won’t take “no” for an answer
He will agree to a compromise, maybe
The chance of mistake is too big

Listen to him now
He’s not from your world
Believe him without ask
That’s all he needs

Charlie is sitting with her
He doesn't know where it will take him
He is in anger
He is in the throes of joy

Listen to him now
He’s not from your world
Believe him without ask
That’s all he needs


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Charlie di TAFF:


La canzone Charlie si trova nell'album Beat -Pocalypse uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album Beat -Pocalypse, di TAFF

L'articolo TAFF - Charlie testo lyric di TAFF è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-06-26 16:56:22


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